The most titled wireless security system in Europe

Ajax is smart, reliable and lightning fast. She reacts only to real dangers, and not to false alarms. If something happens, Ajax will instantly notify you and help prevent serious problems.


Ajax sensors accurately detect intrusion in less than a second. The devices are armed with digital algorithms and multi-factor models of hazard recognition, which in addition reduce false alarms to zero

Against fire, smoke and carbon monoxide

Ajax quickly recognizes a fire by the first signs: smoke or a sharp increase in temperature when the fire burns without smoke. An additional CO sensor instantly triggers if the level of carbon monoxide exceeds the norm.

Not a drop of problems

Ajax raises the alarm on first contact with moisture and cancels it after the water dries. The sensors are designed taking into account the effects of water on the devices: they are not susceptible to corrosion, protected from dust and moisture.

Installation without dust and noise

The Ajax security system is designed with practicality in mind. Therefore, to install you need a smartphone, a minimum of tools and time. If you rent a house, the system will be able to move to a new house with you.

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